The Bees Knees School is committed to developing pupils who are resilient and adaptable, equipped with the knowledge, skills and disposition to continue their education and become personally fulfilled, independent and socially responsible adults who can survive in any and every environment they find themselves.
We will accomplish this mission by providing
1. Learning that supports and extends knowledge, understanding, confidence and life skills for the purpose of overcoming any disadvantages in life.
2. Academic programmes that embody the British standard and learner profile that allow children’s choices, foster natural curiosity, enable children excel and promote life -long learning.
3. Learning opportunities that develop self-awareness and social responsibility in our children so they can make positive contributions in their world.
4. Experiences with technology that promote continued learning, enhance communication and foster innovation in pupils.
5. A safe and fun learning environment that promotes personal fulfilment and joy.
6. Professional development opportunities that foster recruitment and retention of well qualified staff, who are committed to continued learning and find fulfilment in their work.